You always knew me

Who Am I?
I am no religious Guru, nor am I an Atheist. I am called by many names futebol, calcio, football, futbol, etc…etc…etc
I only know one thing that if you count the number of my beloved followers, they will outnumber the people belonging to any major religion, any political party, any populous country and even the number of profiles on facebook.
Trust me, people have without acknowledging the fact already considered me nothing less than a religion. I am not proud, I am just honored and deeply overwhelmed.
But I see humanity is in a lot of distress. Greed, corruption, poverty, hatred have taken over the minds of the weak. I am here to pay my debt to the love that I have received from this world. They call me the world game and now it’s time for me to do something for this world.

I cannot sing, I cannot dance, I can be played and enjoyed and watched. Now I want to go a step further… I want to be felt. I want to inspire this world through my beloved followers and the people who make me beautiful, my players and my fans. I won’t ask anything in return except for you to help me reach out to more humans so that I may try to inspire their lives too.
I am soccer, I am football, I am futbol, I am calcio, I am….. anything you may love to call me. But my purpose on this social media page is to deliver you ounces of inspiration, fragments of motivation, messages which you might have never heard me silently give. This blog is my new voice, I would love to call it Sacrament, I’d rather name it Soccrament.

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